Home - Minimal Documentation

Minimal is an open source distraction-free interface for Obsidian, by @kepano.

Minimal is the most popular Obsidian theme, and winner of the official Best Theme award. Minimal aims to make Obsidian feel native across platforms, and offer the flexibility to create your ideal second brain.

Support development on Buy me a coffee and Twitter

Get started

Install Minimal theme

  1. Open Obsidian Settings
  2. Go to Appearance and click Manage
  3. Under community themes search for “Minimal” and click Use

Install the companion plugin

  1. Go to Community plugins and turn off Safe mode
  2. Search for Minimal Theme Settings and click Install, then Enable


Minimal offers multiple options for background contrast including a true black option ideal for OLED devices. This feature also supports popular color schemes such as Solarized, Nord, and Gruvbox.

Helper classes for tables and cards allow you to create powerful workflows.

Combining focus mode with image grids and block width options allows you to immerse yourself in visual projects.

Minimal includes support for dozens of popular plugins like CalendarKanbanDataviewOutlinerExcalidraw, and more.

Every screen in the Obsidian app has been revised to create a cohesive experience, including settingsplugin browsersyncpublish, and file recovery.

To customize Minimal, install the following plugins:

App-level features

Block-level features

Block types

Plugin support



Visit the Help page for troubleshooting. Have a question? Join the Minimal channel on the official Obsidian Discord.


If you would like add Plugin support, or have found a bug you would like to help fix, don’t hesitate to open a pull request. Have a question? Join the Minimal channel on the official Obsidian Discord.